9 Feb

Year 3

This term the children have become little chefs,  and they have evaluated existing soups based on taste and how it looks. They then created their own soup and added extra ingredients to see if they could improve it. The children sequenced different movements in gymnastics and analysed their own…

8 Feb

Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about Anglo-Saxons this term. In literacy, we have focussed on the legend of 'Beowulf'. The children have written their own descriptive and dramatic legends. As well as this, they enjoyed taking part in a whole year group debate over whether or not Beowulf should have…

6 Feb

Y5/6 Girls' Football Tournament

On Wednesday 31st of January, the year 5/6 girls football team took part in the first tournament of the year. The event was hosted at ASM stadium on the astroturf. Schools such as John Hampden, Barley Hill and Brill took part in the competition. The girls got through to the knockout stages, coming…

18 Jan

Year 3 - Super soups

Our talented Year 3 students recently created their very own delicious vegetable soups in class. Budding chefs showcased their culinary prowess and enjoyed evaluating their tasty creations. Children were reminded of the nutritional benefits and importance of a balanced and healthy diet.

10 Jan

Year 5

In year 5, our students were engaged in an exciting and educational journey through history as they focus their studies on Roman Britain. During the study, students gained insights into various aspects of Roman life and culture, such as Roman settlements and towns, the construction of Hadrian's…

20 Dec

Year 6

A Term of Triumphs: Year 6's Journey through Gymnastics, Shelters, Evolution, and the Stone Age.

As we wrap up an exciting term, the Year 6 students are thrilled to share our remarkable achievements and experiences. From perfecting a gymnastics dance routine to crafting innovative shelters…

19 Dec

Year 3

In Year 3, we have been investigating and exploring a wide range of topics. We have developed and practiced a diverse set of fundamental movement skills in PE while exploring a variety of invasion games. The children have enjoyed immersing themselves in the curriculum using technology. They have…

17 Dec

Year 4

Year 4 have been studying the Tudors this term. They were lucky enough to have a royal visit from King Henry VIII to bring their learning of the topic to life. They've learnt about the Tudor dynasty, the fate of Henry's 6 wives, Tudor daily life and even played some Tudor sports. In literacy, they…

3 Nov

Year 6

This term Year 6 have delved into the world of the ancient Maya, exploring the foundations of this once great civilisation of the Americas. The Maya, who were based in Central America, combined perfectly with our international term, where we looked at countries across the Americas, from Canada to…

3 Nov

Year 3

During Term 1, the children of Year 3 have learnt all about rocks. They have been rock detectives and have investigated the permeability of a variety of different rocks. The fossilization process has been discussed, and the children learned all about the famous palaeontologist Mary Anning. James…

3 Nov

Year 4

Year 4 have been learning all about 'sound' during term 1. The children used musical instruments to explore how pitch works, they created string telephones to understand how sound travels, and they were lucky enough to be able to have Mrs Fox, an audiologist, visit to go into more detail about the…

29 Jun

LWS Science Experience Day

Lord William's School hosted an exhilarating Science Experience Day. Gifted and talented young scientists from various schools in the Thame Partnership came together to explore the wonders of science. The children were divided into year groups and mixed with peers from other schools, fostering…